DecomBR - SPE Brazil Decommissioning Symposium Chairs 2024
The 2025 Chairs & Speakers definition is under development and will be published as soon as possible

Carlos José do Nascimento Travassos
Petrobras Executive Engineering, Technology and Innovation Executive Director
Honorary Chair

Julio Cesar
IBP E&P Director
Event Chair

Cavassin Paes
Petrobras Executive Manager of Production Development Projects
Event Chair

Petrobras Senior Engineer
Executive Chair
- Welcome
- Session 01
- Session 02
- Session 03
- Session 04
- Session 05
- Session 06

ChairCarlos Alberto Pedroso
Enauta – SPE Latin America & Caribbean Director and Enauta Decomissioning Engineer
Carlos Alberto Pedroso is a Chemical Engineer (1987), Petroleum Engineer (1988) and Quality Engineer (1993). In 1987, he joined Petrobras where he held various technical and managerial positions. He has worked as a completion engineer on onshore and offshore projects in Brazil, South America, North America, and Africa. Pedroso is a world-renowned specialist in sand control and stimulation, with dozens of publications, having been awarded national and international awards for his contribution. As an active SPE volunteer, he served as a member and chairman of several committees, as well as moderator of Petrowiki for sand control and Technical Editor of Drilling and Completions, SPE Journal and Production and Operations Journal, as well as Associate Editor of the latter. In 2013, he joined Enauta as Completion Engineer, moving in 2023 to Decomissioning activity. He is the current SPE Latin America and Caribbean Regional Director.

ChairAlex Murteira Celem
Petrobras – Petrobras Campos Basin Business Unit General Manager
Alex Murteira Célem is an Electrical and Safety Engineer. He is a postgraduate degree in Human Resources Management and Business Management. He has been working as an employee of Petrobras for 34 years: 27 of them in managerial positions. Since April 2023, he has been responsible for oil exploration and production in the Campos Basin as the General Manager of UN-BC. He is married, has two daughters and two granddaughters and on his leisure time he enjoys running, cooking and watching Flamengo matches.

ChairKevin Kim
Shell – D&R Manager – Brasil – Shell International E&P
Kevin is a Petroleum engineer from the IPN in Mexico, he also holds a Master in oil and gas law University of Oklahoma and EMBA from Rice Univ, he has more than 22 years of experience working in DW operations and projects ranging from frontier exploration to major greenfield developments located in West Africa, Brasil, Gulf of Mexico, Colombia, Suriname, French Guiana and Mexico. He recently joined the D&R team in Shell Brazil, he is married with 2 children and on his free time he enjoy training for and compiting in triathlons.

ChairCarlos Castilho
Petrobras – Petrobras Decommissioning General Manager
Carlos Castilho is a Civil Engineer from PUC-GO, an Electrical Engineer and Specialist in Management and Project Management from UFG-GO, and a Petroleum Engineer at Petrobras since 2003. He has worked in the areas of onshore field production in São Mateus-ES and in the development of offshore fields, including the construction, maintenance, evaluation, and abandonment of Pre-Salt and Post-Salt wells in the Espírito Santo (ES) and Santos (BS) basins, holding several managerial positions. Currently, he is responsible for Petrobras’ decommissioning projects and is pursuing a master’s degree in public administration at FGV.

ChairMarcelo Dourado
SBM – Decommissioning & Recycling Manager
Marcelo Dourado is a Mechanical Engineer with 20 years of experience in the oil & gas industry.
He held a variety of management positions in Brazil and Angola, leading complex operations and developing strategic exploration & production offshore programs. Since 2017, he has been working for SBM Offshore assigned to FPSO operations division. In his current role, he is responsible for the decommissioning & recycling fleetwide. Marcelo is the co-chair of the IOGP FPSO Decommissioning Expert Group.

ChairJesulino Gomes Junior
Petrobras – Petrobras Manager
Mining engineer from Ouro Preto Federal University, also holds MBA and Post MBA from COPPEAD/UFRJ. He has more than 20 years of experience in oil industry across several areas, including production and decommissioning. Since 2022 works in Bacia de Campos decommissiong projects, including giant field Marlim.

ChairJorge Mitidieri
Ocyan – Presidency of Ocyan
Graduated in Chemical Engineering from UFRJ in 1982, PMP certified by PMI since 2003, also holds an MBA in Oil Business from FGV/RJ, and since 2015 is an Alumni of the London Business School in finance and administration. Graduated as a Board Counselor by IBGC in 2019 and Certified as an Advisory Board Member (ConCertif) by CelintBra in 2020. He has had the opportunity to work in several national engineering and construction companies – Natron, Jaraguá, IESA, and since 1997 he has been working at Odebrecht Organization (now NOVONOR) where he started as a Project Manager responsible for industrial projects in Brazil and abroad. In 2007, he became a Director in the Construction company, moving to OCYAN in 2009 where he worked until April 2024 as Executive VP in the Integrated Services Business Unit responsible for Production Units, Subsea, and Offshore Maintenance projects. In April 2024, he assumed the Presidency of Ocyan. He actively participates in ABESPetro, having served on the Fiscal Council in 2018/19 and as an alternate in 2023/24, and later as Director in the biennium 2020/21, coordinator of the O&G Committee of AMCHAM, as well as being a founder and active member of the Brazilian Association of Certified Advisory Board Members (ABC3) where he has been serving as a Board Member since the beginning of this year. He was a guest lecturer at UFF for the MBA course in Project Management and Mentor of the Chemical Engineering classes at SENAI CETIQT for 2 years and has been acting as a mentor in various projects, including with IBP. Jorge is 64 years old, married since 1984, father of two children, both already graduated, and now a grandfather of a boy and a girl. He regularly practices sports and completed the 800km of the Camino de Compostela by bicycle in 2018, whose book was launched in OCT/2022.

ChairLaurelena Palhano
UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro PhD Professor
PhD and master’s degree holder from COPPE/UFRJ in Production Engineering, with research focus on Sustainability in Organizations. Postgraduate in Social Responsibility and Third Sector from the Economics department/UFRJ. Graduated in Business Administration. Participated in sustainable strategic management enhancement activities in Brazil and abroad (United States, Spain, France, Chile, England, and Portugal). Extensive experience in engagement and strategic management, working with NGOs, governmental institutions, representative business class institutions, academia, and companies. Worked as a specialist consultant in her areas of expertise.
Currently serves as Executive Coordinator of the Research Group on Sustainable Decommissioning at the SAGE and LTS Laboratories, both part of COPPE/UFRJ, where she is also a postdoctoral researcher in Production Engineering, focusing on sustainable decommissioning of offshore O&G production facilities, an area in which she has been involved since January 2018.

ChairAna Paula dos Santos Costa
Petrobras – Petrobras Manager
Has a degree in Naval and Oceanic Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a master’s degree in Oceanic Engineering from COPPE. Currently an employee at Petrobras as Manager of Technological Design for Production Development, with experience in the naval design of UEPs, anchoring and off-loading, with an emphasis on Research and Development of new concepts and in Naval and Offshore Construction. She served as Administrative Director of SOBENA (Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering) between 2009 and 2010. She was a teacher and coordinated the Technologist Course in Naval Construction Management at UEZO and, currently, coordinates the Postgraduate Course in Naval and Offshore Construction at FUNCEFET.

ChairLuciana Chamusca
Petrobras – Petrobras Manager of Strategic Support for Decommissioning
Luciana Chamusca holds a law degree from the Catholic University of Salvador and a degree in business administration from the Federal University of Bahia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, in Spain. She also has a MBA in Petroleum Law from FGV and a postgraduate degree in Public Law from Jus Podium. She has been working at Petrobras since 2006, where she specialized in environmental law and occupational health and safety. Since January 2023, she is the manager of strategic support for decommissioning at Petrobras.

ChairTiaraju Bernardi
Petrobras – Manager of Offshore P&A Operations
Civil Engineer (2000) from the Federal University of Paraná and post graduated in Business Management. In Petrobras since 2002, he has worked as drilling engineer and company man in onshore and offshore projects. Tiaraju also held several managerial positions in special services, land rigs operations, jackup rigs operations, well construction and workover operations. In 2007 he was part of the team that received the Prodep Award for Technological Innovation and in 2010 the Petrobras Inventor Award for use of the cross river rigs in oilfield operations. As active SPE volunteer member, is current SPE Bahia-Sergipe Section Chairperson and he served as member of several technical committees. Since 2023 he is working as P&A Offshore Operations Manager.

ChairEnrique Barrios
Shell – General Manager for Well Operations
Mechanical Engineer from the University of Texas at Austin. 12 years of experience working for Shell in Brasil and Argentina in field and office positions including Wellsite Supervisor, Business Planning Lead, Operations Manager, and since last year working as General Manager for Well Operations.

SpeakerGeorge Oliva
Shell – Decommissioning & Restoration Lead, Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda
George Oliva has joined Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda. in 2001 and his current role is Decommissioning & Restoration Lead for the Operated Assets in Brazil. Prior to that assignment, he has worked in Upstream Development, Joint Venture, Projects & Technology, Energy Efficiency and Research & Development management positions. Besides the Oil & Gas industry, he has previous work experience in the Power industry and in the Steel industry. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineer from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and an MBA from FGV.

SpeakerHumberto Romanus
3R Petroleum – Facilities General Manager for 3R Petroleum
Humberto Romanus, Facilities General Manager for 3R Petroleum since 2021, has 43 years in the E&P environment, having acted as General Manager of the Marlim Revitalization Project, HSE General Manager for Petrobras E&P, Asset Manager and Operations Manager in the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Area, OIM of several facilities in the Campos Basin, and managing positions of two new facilities from project to first oil.

SpeakerLeonardo Miano
Petrobras – Petrobras Decommissioning Projects Manager
Graduated in Administration with specializations in leadership & Innovation and Management of Operations. Working in Petrobras since 2004, havin been Operations Manager of Maritime Units P-7, P-15, P-32, P-33 and P-47. Also worked as Maintenance Manager for Dynamic Equipments in Central-South Asset, in Campos Basin. Currently Manager of Decommissioning Projects for PNA-1, PNA-2, PCH-1, PCH-2, PGP-1, P-9 platforms, in Campos Basin, and PMLZ-1, in Santos Basin.

SpeakerMarcelle Oliveira
3R Petroleum – Environmental Specialist at 3R Petroleum
Marcelle Oliveira is a Biologist, with a Master’s degree in Ecology and Natural Resources from the State University of North Fluminense. She has been working with Oil and Gas for 16 years. She worked for Petrobras for 13 years, including 8 years in the Campos Basin and 5 years in the corporate area. Nowadays she works as an Environmental Specialist at 3R Petroleum. She also has experience with environmental licensing in offshore oil and gas production systems and exploration activities (drilling wells and seismic acquisition), environmental monitoring projects, socio-economic projects, environmental auditing, environmental impact assessment, control of invasive alien species, divestment processes and decommissioning of production facilities and systems.

SpeakerAriff Irfan
Petronas General Manager, Asset Decommissioning, MPM
Ariff is graduated from University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (UMIST) with a Masters of Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering & Management. Ariff’s journey in PETRONAS began in 2001 in Upstream Operations. Thereafter, his exposure included in the areas of Internal Audit, Change Management, Strategic Planning and JV Asset management. His international experience includes managing non-operated assets in Chad, Egypt and Algeria as well as stints in Turkmenistan and Argentina. Upon his return from Argentina in 2018, Ariff was assigned to Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), the upstream Malaysia regulatory arm of PETRONAS, initially in Production Delivery. In July 2020, Ariff was appointed as General Manager, Asset Decommissioning, MPM.

SpeakerBruno Geneseli
Petrobras – Manager of Sustainable Asset Disposal
Graduated in Environmental control from UNICAMP, has an MBA in goods and services from PUC RJ and an MBA in strategic cost management from IBMEC. He has worked in Supply Chain since 2006 and is currently Manager of Sustainable Asset Destination at Petrobras. He has been involved in the sale of Petrobras vessels with a focus on sustainable destination.

SpeakerPing Teo
IOGP – Decommissioning Manager
Ping Teo is the Decommissioning Manager at IOGP since 2021, where she manages the activities of its global Decommissioning forum, driving international collaboration and sharing of best practices. In this role, she also engages represents IOGP at various regulatory forum. With over 15 years of industry experience at Shell prior to IOGP, Ping had held leading roles in Offshore Greenfield, Brownfield and Decommissioning Projects. She was the project lead for Shell Brunei’s offshore portfolio where she led teams through studies phases, regulatory engagements, contract development and early phase decommissioning execution.

SpeakerVinícius Patel
Porto do Açu – Director of Port Administration at Porto do Açu

SpeakerAndré Guardin

SpeakerChristian Knutsen
IK Subsea – Chief Technology Officer
40 years of experience from the oil and gas offshore industry. MSc from 1983 within structural and marine engineering. Experience from engineering, pipeline and subsea companies.
Assignments as project engineer, engineering manager, project manager, general manager and techncial manager. Worked for both operators and contractors, the last 23 years in IK-Group, 5 years as general manager and the last 18 as CTO.

SpeakerRafael Pessurno
Shell – Deepwater Project Lead
Rafael Pessurno has 18 years of experience in the O&G business focused on the delivery of complex subsea infrastructures projects having worked, over the years, on several locations in Africa, Europe and Brazil, including remote sites & offshore. Currently he is a Deepwater Project Lead for Shell, managing the disconnection and tow of FPSO Fluminense from Bijupira-Salema field to a recycle yard in Europe. His background positions him well to articulate on the overall challenges involved in dealing with decommissioning of such subsea systems.

SpeakerRafael Machado Guigon
Ocyan – Ocyan Subsea Construction Director
Mechanical engineer with a masters degree in naval engineering from COPPE, have bee working with subsea construction for the past 17 years. Currently in charge of the subsea construction business at Ocyan.

SpeakerEdson Luiz Valverde Castilho Filho
Petrobras – Coordinator for Decommissioning & Divestment Integration
Edson Valverde holds a degree and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from São Paulo State University (Unesp). He joined Petrobras in 2011, working with E&P topside facilities engineerinig and from 2016 onwards he started working in the decommissioning department with a focus on offshore production platforms.In this area, has already been the coordinator of the integration of decommissioning projects with the E&P divestment portfolio, project manager for the decommissioning of subsea installations, and currently is the Technical Strategic Integration Coordinator for Decommissioning.

SpeakerLuiz Bispo
ANP – Operational Safety Superintendent
Chemical Engineer, Master and Doctor in Engineering, Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology from UFRJ, worked as an Operations Technician at Petrobras, has more than 15 years of experience at the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), having worked as Regulatory Specialist, Head of the Oil and Natural Gas Production Measurement Inspection Unit, Deputy Superintendent of Development and Production, Superintendent of Local Content, Superintendent of Government Participation, and since March 2023, Superintendent of Operational Safety.

SpeakerCésar Kamitani
Petrobras – Well Serviçes Manager for P&A and Workover
Holds a B.S. in engeneering (civil) from Federal University of Paraná and postgraduade in Petroleum Engineering from Federal University of Bahia and Petrobras University. Mr. Kamitani joined Petrobras in 2005 and worked 10 years as company man and well design engineer at the Campos Basin oilfield area. After this period ,he managed the workover and P&A interventions at Campos Basin. Since 2019, he has been in charge of well services operations for workover and P&A at Petrobras offshore wells.

SpeakerRyan Eisenbath
Halliburton – P&A Global Advisor
Ryan Eisenbath is a seasoned professional with a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering and over 13 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. With a robust background spanning various aspects of integrated operations, Ryan brings a wealth of expertise to his current role as Global Engineering Advisor – Integrated Workover Operations.
Throughout his career, Ryan has dedicated over a decade to mastering integrated operations, with a specific focus on drilling, workovers, and plug & abandonment. His extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in these areas have equipped him with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in managing complex oilfield projects.
In his current capacity, Ryan serves as a key leader in guiding plug & abandonment, well intervention, workovers, subsea interventions, and fracturing operations on a global scale. As a Global Engineering Advisor, he plays a pivotal role in developing and implementing cross-functional strategies to optimize operational efficiency and ensure successful project outcomes.
Ryan’s skill set extends beyond technical proficiency; he possesses strong project management, engineering, and commercial acumen, which enables him to navigate challenges and deliver results even in the most demanding environments. His ability to collaborate effectively with diverse teams and stakeholders has earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor and problem-solver within the industry.
With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Ryan continues to drive advancements in integrated workover operations, shaping the future of the oil and gas industry.

SpeakerIgor Vieira Debacker
Shell – Lead Front End Wells Engineer
Electrical Engineer, 18 years of experience in the O&G industry, worked as Reservoir Evaluation Wireline engineer at SLB, then as Well Completion Engineer, Subsea Intervention Engineer, Production Operations Engineer and Well Interventions Engineer with Shell.

SpeakerLaurelena Palhano
UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro PhD Professor
PhD and master’s degree holder from COPPE/UFRJ in Production Engineering, with research focus on Sustainability in Organizations. Postgraduate in Social Responsibility and Third Sector from the Economics department/UFRJ. Graduated in Business Administration. Participated in sustainable strategic management enhancement activities in Brazil and abroad (United States, Spain, France, Chile, England, and Portugal). Extensive experience in engagement and strategic management, working with NGOs, governmental institutions, representative business class institutions, academia, and companies. Worked as a specialist consultant in her areas of expertise.
Currently serves as Executive Coordinator of the Research Group on Sustainable Decommissioning at the SAGE and LTS Laboratories, both part of COPPE/UFRJ, where she is also a postdoctoral researcher in Production Engineering, focusing on sustainable decommissioning of offshore O&G production facilities, an area in which she has been involved since January 2018.

SpeakerMariana Cavadinha
ANP – Superintendent of Development and Production
Mariana Cavadinha is Petroleum Engineer graduated at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2010, worked five years as petroleum engineer in Schlumberger. Joined National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) in 2015, having worked as Regulatory Specialist and Deputy Superintendent. Since November 2022, Mariana is Superintendent of Development and Production.

SpeakerFabio Sena
Specialist in project management from FGV and in Data Science from USP and with extensive
experience with sustainability in the O&G chain. He worked on Petrobras’s port and airport
construction projects between 2009 and 2012 and coordinated, between 2013 and 2019,
waste management, environmental licensing, biodiversity, effluents, contaminated areas and
emergency response actions at Petrobras Distribuidora, currently Vibra Energia. At Cenpes, he
has worked since 2020 as technical leader of research related to waste, NORM, contaminated
areas and decommissioning.

SpeakerJan Erik Eriksen
IKM Testing AS – Sr. Technical Advisor
Mr. Eriksen is the Sr. Technical Advisor at IKM’s headquarters in Norway and has been involved in decommissioning projects since 2001. Mr. Eriksen specialises in topside decontamination and is widely recognised as an authority in this field. As such, he was the Decontamination Lead during the Tyra Redevelopment Project, Europe’s largest offshore decom. project to date. In 2022, Mr. Eriksen was awarded the Plínio Cantanhede prize in the Rio Oil and Gas 2022 in the upstream category as recognition of his work on steam as a cleaning agent during decom. projects.

SpeakerNewton Narciso Pereira
UFF – Federal Fluminense University Adjunct Professor
Newton Narciso Pereira is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal Fluminense University, in the School of Industrial Engineering and Metallurgy, located in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is also the Coordinator of the Center for Sustainable Systems Studies – CESS/UFF. He has been involved in ship recycling projects, focusing on technology development utilizing RFID to improve hazardous materials management.

SpeakerMarcelo Igor
Possui graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2001 – mérito CUM LAUDE), mestrado em Tecnologia Submarina – UFRJ / COPPE – Programa de Engenharia Naval e Oceânica (2004) e doutorado no mesmo programa (2012). Desde 2004 vem participando de projetos em parceria com operadoras de O&G relacionados à análises teóricas, numéricas e experimentais de estruturas offshore e integridade estrutural de equipamentos submarinos. Ocupou o cargo de Pesquisador Visitante da ANP (PRH03 -Sistemas Oceânicos e Tecnologia Submarina para Exploração de Petróleo e Gás em Águas Profundas) entre 2009 e 2014, quando assumiu o cargo de Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Engenharia Naval e Oceânica da UFRJ. Foi Chefe do Departamento entre 2018 e 2021 e atou como diretor adjunto da SOBENA – Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval entre 2019 e 2020. Atualmente é membro do Comitê de Engenharia Offshore e Petróleo da Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas.

SpeakerJulio Cesar Moreira
IBP E&P Director
Executive Director of IBP, Julio Cesar Moreira, has more than 20 years of experience in the oil and gas sector, working in global E&P companies listed on the NYSE, TSX, and LSE exchanges, in private and state-controlled companies.
Between 2018 and 2022, he was the vice president of strategy, new business, and government affairs at Wintershall Dea Brasil. Previously, he served as General Director at Rosneft and Director and President of Gran Tierra Energy, among other companies.

SpeakerFelipe Peixoto
Secretary of Maritime Economy of the State of Rio de Janeiro