
Open for Registration!

The registration fee is:
BRL 2.300,00 for SPE members
BRL 2.500,00 for non-members
BRL 700,00 for SPE member students
BRL 1.200,00 for non-member students
*Special BRL 200,00 discount until May 24, 2024.

Cancellation requests must be sent to the email and will be accepted up to 7 days after purchase, provided that the request is sent up to 48 hours before the start of the event. The amount returned will be 85% of the total paid (due to financial expenses in this process).

If only the replacement of the participant is requested, there is no cost, but it will be accepted if sent up to a week before the start of the event.

SPE is a non-profit society, whose priority mission is to collect and disseminate knowledge in the oil area.

Its Board of Directors and members are volunteers and any possible financial result of technical events is applied to activities related to the mission, such as scholarships for students, holding and supporting technical events related to the teaching area and support for technical lectures for professional members of the SPE, are some examples of supported activities.

Register here

The event will be held from June 25 to 26, 2024 at Windsor Florida Hotel in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Click below to register.


*Preços promocionais

Informando através do telefone do Windsor Guanabara (22) 2123-9650, com a Sra. Kamyla, que você vai participar do evento, a diária fica em R$229,00 single e R$259,00 duplo.

Também existe a disponibilidade de estacionamento ao lado do hotel por R$20,00 por dia.

Rolar para cima